Thursday, November 11, 2010
Another one of those obligatory "Gotta have something to say about Such-and-Such-Day"
Meaning of course 11/11 (which is cool because it's one of those days that's the same in US and European/International notation). I've heard a few complaints about it being in the middle of the week instead of a Monday. So I think about the Grumpy Grampies I've heard snarking that "The War didn't end on the second Monday of November it ended on the 11th" and so then I think "Well yeah, that's true, but it isn't Armistice Day anymore it's Veteran's Day, and it isn't limited to The Great War anymore, so some other non-11/11 Day could reasonably be expected to serve just as well. Are there any WWI veterans around anymore? Could us Non-WWI Veterans not make better use of a long weekend for commemorative purposes? Then again, it isn't even a sanctioned holiday at my company, so Wot-The-Hey, eh? But I'm glad for the notion that some folks have a day off to pay homage to me & my comrades. (I'm being ironic here - I'm a veteran alright, but the closest I came to combat was when some Home Island Guard guys, out on Dear Old P-Y-Do, got uppity and wanted some of the beer we were drinking on the beach during our softball game. I'm not in the same class as folks who actually got shot at, or took risk of same.) (And thankful for it, I might add) But let's all think about veterans; I'm not one who thinks "thanks" is necessarily appropriate, but I guess it could be. I'll defer to others with more reason to be thanked I guess. (Is my ambivalence to this whole thing coming through adequately? Good.)
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