Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I heard somewhere the other day

(I really should write down where I hear these gems) that the point of democracy is not, in fact, to put good folks in power, and foster good things for the populi, etc. The point of democracy is, in fact, to provide a means of preventing or at least rectifying, (inevitable) abuses of power by those who get into office.

I think the elections of 2000, 2004, and 2006 are prime examples of this point of view. The 2000 election being of course an example of how a largely democratic system no-way no-how guarantees that good folks will get into office (even if they get the most votes), and the 2006 go-round being the alternate "curbing" phenomenon, where enough folks get sick & tired & pissed off enough to say "OK, CUT THE SHIT!"

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