Saturday, January 27, 2007
Beer is proof
I am very grateful for the resurgence of "micro" breweries, which return us (sorta) to the day when local houses brewed their own, and pubs were known by their brews, rather than their decor. Thinking about it, I'm not altogether sure that this time ever really existed, or if it's really a place in Wodehouse-land (theme park of my dreams!). But the fact is that local micros don't mind trying things out for a little while, then putting them aside for their "regular" lines and maybe coming back to them later if demand is there.
I dunno. There should be more good beer in the world.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
All I have to do is...
So the next thing I know her hand has slipped down a tad and she is groping my ass. Well, I thinks, I never!! Well, no, that's not at all what I thought (in my dream, mind you) what my dreaming self though was "Yow, I guess I'll feel HER ass up" and so I did, and ... well, some heavier occurrences ensued, involving even erogenouser zones, all the while both fully clothed and in public, and then I woke up. Really. So how do we make dreams recur again, I forget?
Thursday, January 18, 2007
No, Hon, you can't....
We were at TGI Friday’s, after a bit of shopping and schlepping Freshman Daughter’s gear back to campus after the (WAY too long, IMO) holiday break. A little quiet dinner, a drink, some reassuring conversation etc. Well our server was “Junie” who was way too friendly for my taste, but she meant no harm. We ordered a round of drinks, and mine was my customary Jameson’s, straight up, ice on the side. So far s’ok. In a little while Junie came back and said “We’re all out of Jameson’s Hon (!) can I bring you a Maker’s Mark?”
Now I said nothing about the “Hon” which as far as I’m concerned marked Junie as one step above trailer trash, but never mind. Where I got into trouble was this: “No, thank you, that isn’t even close. Maker’s Mark is bourbon and Jameson’s is Irish; do you have any Bushmills?” Why, I was queried immediately by family females, couldn’t I just smile and ask for Bushmills? Sensing a series of accusations of curmudgeonliness in the offing, I pointed out that a server in a place where booze is on offer really ought to have a clue as to the nature of the wares she’s expected to furnish – if for no other reason than so that she will not appear to be a dunce when suggesting substitutions. No, no, no, not a bit of it, I was being a smartass. I didn’t think so; I didn’t rave and fulminate and phumpher about her ignorance (never mind her inappropriate familiarity – the proper form of address is “Sir” not “Hon”), but wife & Freshman Daughter were having none of it, and I wore the hair shirt all the way home. Well, maybe not all the way, but at least as far as the next town.
Monday, January 15, 2007
For the benefit of the visiting firemen...
So we sat there from 0900 to about 1830 (six-thirty peeyem for you civilians), with a few pee breaks, and a few email breaks (The Boss forbids laptop use in meetings, a stricture with which I heartily concur), and a little time off for byplay about lunch - apparently the place where he'd planned to send out for sandwiches was either closed for the holiday or lacking phone serivce because of the ice storm) - and then time to actually nosh lunch, and time for Himself to be on a Very Important Concall for 90 minutes... wait, where was I, where were we?
I dunno. Many of the folks cooped up with me in that room were enjoying their first outing in this particular event at this particular company; a few others have been through almost as many of them as I have (I predate my Boss in this particular organization and event). They were very interested, and did well presenting their slides for their particular projects. I'd almost say a couple of them were "cute" except that I suspect it would be disrespectful to speak thus of a 40-year old manager with 15 years experience in the field. So they weren't cute; but it was bubbly to watch them.
I'm way too old for this shit.
Friday, January 12, 2007
David Lynch & Neil Jordan, eat your hearts out
But the real nub of the pith of the gist of today's symposium is recurring dreams.
I have not had this dream in many years. I wish I could remember reliably when the last time I had it was, but it was surely more than 10 years ago. But I had it a number of times during my 30s, I think. It was not always exactly the same dream – the “plot” and the “setting” varied. Interestingly, it was a progression of variations, such that the changes that would happen (or appear) in one instance, would continue through the next instance, and probably be built upon, with more variations – often slight - and so on. I should probably set it up – like most dreams, it has “hooks” in reality. In this case the realities in which the dream has hooks are two: one is the old “Adult Entertainment District” in Boston, known as “The Combat Zone” – for many years, lower Washington and Boylston Streets, down to Kneeland and Stuart, were more or less officially set aside as a place where strip joints and smut shops and hookers could operate more or less “unmolested” by the cops. One could walk down Washington and there was an unbroken gauntlet of sleazy bars & “bookstores” and adult theaters. In the late 50s there were just a few theaters and bars where no one ever went “all the way” (strippers in G-strings and pasties, movies were pretty much restricted to boob shots and simulated sex acts) but by the late 60s it was pretty much Katie-bar-the-door, up to and including (as one barmaid described it to me once) “getting your nut.” Oops, ‘scuse me, I was kinda drifting down memory lane there for a minute…
Anyway, the earliest occurrences of this dream seem (as near as I can recall – I don’t remember dreams very often to begin with, and the first occurrence of this one was probably over 30 years ago), I am walking down Washington St. (“down” here meaning in a general direction from Old South Meeting House toward Chinatown,for anyone who knows the neighborhood). The old “Publix” and “State” theaters are there, and lots of smutshops and stripjoints, and I go into a few of each, and browse, and have a beer and watch a girl get naked on stage. In none of these dreams did I ever go into any of the movie theaters, I don’t think. I wend my way down through the Combat Zone, fending off approaches by various more-or-less young females, all offering to do sexual things for me/to me, for money. When I get to the “bottom” of the CZ, somewhere around Stuart St., I usually wake up. OK, so no big deal in this dream, right, pretty clearly the workings of an oversexed (and under serviced) mind.
Here’s where the interesting thing comes in – I spent a year in Korea in the AF (10/1970-11/71). The main US airbase there is Osan, a few miles south of Seoul. Outside the gates of Osan is what’s known as “Chico Ville” or “Chicol Village” depending on how drunk/Americanized your references are. As you might suspect of a village just outside the gates of an American airbase housing about 10000 GIs, Chico had a significant population of what were called “business girls.” And they worked in a bunch of clubs, mostly – places with names like The Stereo Lounge, and “The A-Frame” (not after the chalet architecture, but after the piece of equipment that was standard for Korean peasant to use when lugging huge loads on their backs – sort of a papoose thing that strapped on and had a flat bed you could tie bundles of sticks or hay, or charcoal, or whatnot to.), “The Aragon Ballroom” (honest), and the “Five Spot.” The FiveSpot had five large rooms with dancefloors and room for up to a couple hundred hookers in each. In addition to these “clubs” there were guys who would approach one in the street and offer to lead you to some little hootch somewhere down in the maze of alleyways, and hook you up with a young lady who would do various things for you/to you, for a small fee*. Anyway – after I returned from this assignment, the next time I had this dream, the venue had changed, and it was Chico Ville instead of the Combat Zone, though some of the things that appeared in the dream (smutshops, particularly) were in fact absent from Chico. For a while I had this dream fairly regularly – maybe 6 or 8 times a year. Then, it began getting less and less frequent, and – this is very odd, but I swear it’s true – the “neighborhood” in which the dream took place started going downhill. Many of the joints would appear, but were boarded up, or simply empty. Many of the places that were open had older, and older and seedier and seedier looking girls lurking outside. I don’t remember when the last time I had the dream was, but it was quite some time ago, and I was sad that what had once been so pleasant and exciting a dream, had, like so many things as we get older, faded, and didn’t offer the least thrill anymore.