Tuesday, February 24, 2009
No news is good news? Maybe but what constitutes "no news?"
It's not acceptable to me, and even LESS acceptable is the fact that in such situations, when you call the Dr's office seeking info, they get a little testy and issue a ration of shit, like "Well we TOLD you we wouldn't call if there was nothing to report." I think at the VERY LEAST, if you take the trouble to call, you should get a polite "The tests came back ok."
But I really think that it isn't really all that onerous and time-consuming to simply call the patient with the "tests came back ok" news - they can sure take the time to call to remind you of appointments (or is that because there's $$ involved??)
Or am I just being grumpy?
Monday, February 23, 2009
Good Old Mike, of Mike's Appliance Service
Just not the way we usually mean it.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Zombie Banks
Not very long ago (weeks? not more than a couple of months) it was unthinkable that humongous corporations could be allowed to self-destruct under the weight of their own greed and mismanagement. Now there are voices piping up pointing out (rightly, for all I know) that these dinosaurs are sucking up rescue resources without contributing to the economy, and should be "dismantled" and "restructured." Perhaps. I tend to think that organizations that can't or don't survive on their own ought to suffer the consequences, and yeah it's a pity all those shareholders will lost their stake, and all those people will be out of work, but in the latter case it'll only be temporary, and why should they be more entitled to the job they want than I am to mine (i.e. "not") and in the case of shareholders, well those are mostly institutions not widows & orphans, and where the institutions are holding funds invested by people representing the widows & orphans, I dunno what to say but when the shit hits the fan, everyone gets dirty.
The solution to the state of the world economic disaster is fundamental reconstruction, not constant propping up of the crummy policies, practices and institutions that fell apart on us. Inevitably, IMO.
I think it's time to re-invigorate this exercise.
I have not had this dream in many years. I wish I could remember reliably when the last time I had it was, but it was surely more than 10 years ago. But I had it a number of times during my 30s, I think. It was not always exactly the same dream – the “plot” and the “setting” varied. Interestingly, it was a progression of variations, such that the changes that would happen (or appear) in one instance, would continue through the next instance, and probably be built upon, with more variations – often slight - and so on. I should probably set it up – like most dreams, it has “hooks” in reality. In this case the realities in which the dream has hooks are two: one is the old “Adult Entertainment District” in Boston, known as “The Combat Zone” – for many years, lower Washington and Boylston Streets, down to Kneeland and Stuart, were more or less officially set aside as a place where strip joints and smut shops and hookers could operate more or less “unmolested” by the cops. One could walk down
Anyway, the earliest occurrences of this dream seem (as near as I can recall – I don’t remember dreams very often to begin with, and the first occurrence of this one was probably over 30 years ago), I am walking down Washington St. (“down” here meaning in a general direction from Old South Meeting House toward Chinatown, for anyone who knows the neighborhood). The old “Publix” and “State” theaters are there, and lots of smutshops and stripjoints, and I go into a few of each, and browse, and have a beer and watch a girl get naked on stage. In none of these dreams did I ever go into any of the movie theaters, I don’t think. I wend my way down through the Combat Zone, fending off approaches by various more-or-less young females, all offering to do sexual things for me/to me, for money. When I get to the “bottom” of the CZ, somewhere around
Here’s where the interesting thing comes in – I spent a year in
*All of this information about the Combat Zone, and Chico Ville is, of course, hearsay.