Saturday, February 10, 2007
It has occurred to me, just today
Furthermore, the "glass-half-full" person has to get through half of an empty glass to get to whatever-it-is that the glass is half full of.
I don't know what this means, but - as Lord Peter Wimsey (or Bertie Wooster, I suppose) might have observed, "Interestin', what?"
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
It is, I suppose, a sign of age
After the Air Force, I lingered and lollygagged a while - I refer to it as my hippie phase - and spent a lot of time playing guitar and singing and drinking and smoking. I had recently been liberated not only from the military but from a marriage as well (not my idea, but we're not always in control of everything, are we?), and the early 70s were a bad time to be looking for work (remember CETA?) so I was cashing in my VA education benefits and cranking out some business administration credits at the local Community College. Had to be Bus Adm since I already had a liberal arts bachelor's degree. So anywhere there I was wandering into the cafeteria one afternoon, pondering a reason not to go to accounting class (debits by the window, credits by the door, that's all I know) so I sat me down with coffee and there was this lad with a kerchief around his neck, looking byronically around the place, and I thinks to myself "Now THERE is a lad with a story."
And that was the last I saw of him for a while
*"For No Apparent Reason" was also, as luck would have it, the name of a band once, of which neither I nor Mike Stevens was a member.
Monday, February 5, 2007
A Long Ago Diary
July 8, 1951
Went with M & R to the Smith. Stifling hot. Got nauseous eating meat loaf sandwiches in Q afterward, too much catsup. L says will call soon, by Wednesday.
July 11, 1951
Hot again, and damp. Very long walk to bus stop, very long ride downtown, very long hot day inside. M offered lift home. Almost not worth it. Spaghetti with sauce from Mrs F. All day gone by and nothing from L.
July 13, 1951
Not as unlucky as promised – note from L. “Taking longer than I’d hoped.” And “Tied up completely” and “I’ll call by Monday.” Hot again, sweltering in office. M offered lift home again, but NOT on Friday night. R is out of town, he says. Double no thanks. Bus nearly empty – stopped at library on the way. Browsed lazily, nothing worth checking out. Still haven’t finished the Rafferty novel. Radio distracts, heat puts me to sleep.